Recipes for Healthy Heart
A heart-healthy lifestyle starts with healthy food choices. Eating a variety of foods rich in nutrients like potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber and protein and lower in sodium and saturated fat can help keep your blood pressure low and protect against heart disease and stroke.1
A healthy diet can reduce the risk of a person developing a heart disease by 35%, and the risk is further diminished by 70% when the person follows a good lifestyle as well.2
Eating heart-healthy doesn’t have to be boring or bland. In fact, it can be easy and delicious!1
Heart Healthy Meal Plan2
Meal type | Food product | Calorie count |
As soon as you wake up |
Breakfast |
Mid morning |
Lunch |
Evening snacks |
Dinner |
Bedtime | A glass of skim milk (without sugar) with a bit of turmeric in it can do wonders |
A Few Pointers to Keep in Mind 2
Add fenugreek seeds to your food whenever possible. Besides reducing cholesterol, fenugreek is considered good for the heart
For hardcore non-vegetarians, lean meat, fish and chicken can be had but consumption should be limited to 2 servings a day
Choose a cooking oil that is rich in essential fatty acids. Our Indian cooking oils, whichever are available in the market, are all good choices. Go for a variety of oils, for example if you are using groundnut oil or sesame oil, replace it with sunflower oil during your next buy
Limit salt intake to around 2 mg. This might sound difficult but indeed it is for the best and you will get used to it with time
Stop junk food completely. A fruit is always preferred to chips and other snacks when hunger strikes between meals
Avoid eating outside. Home cooked food made with fresh local produce is always the best choice
Use brown rice rather than white rice
Choose fresh fruits rather than canned fruits or juice. Raw foods contain more fiber than processed ones
Eat foods in their most naturally occurring state
Coconut should be avoided
Spices have anti-lipidemic effects. They reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides level
- Available from: Accessed on November 11, 2021.
- Available from: . Accessed on November 11, 2021.
To be sure of eating a diet that is right for you and to know the portion size that your body needs, consult a specialist. The best way to be sure of protecting your heart and your overall health is to consult a cardiac specialist at a reputed hospital.